Tien Giang

Tien Giang is located north of the Mekong Delta, alongside the north of Tien River. The Kinh ethnic group accounts for more than 99% of the total population. The climate is divided in two distinct (dry and rainy) seasons. The rainfall in this province is considered lower than in the other provinces located in the Mekong Delta. Famous sites include Thoi Son Islet, Dong Tam Snake Farm, and Dong Thap Muoi Area.

A province in the Mekong River Delta, the rice granary of Vietnam, Tien Giang has vast areas of durian, mango, rambutan, and other delicious tropical fruit trees. The province is 7 km southwest of Ho Chi Minh City.

The province is inhabited by the Kinh, who account for 90% of the province's population, and ethnic minorities of the Cham, Hoa and Khmer.

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